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Dear Students,

Numerous staff members at the University of Miskolc are dedicated to increasing the quantity and quality of physical activities that help maintain the health of the university community.

Course Enrollment:

  1. The first step is for students of all faculties to enroll in the appropriate Physical Education course (Physical Education 1, Physical Education 2, Physical Education 3, Physical Education 4) through the NEPTUN system during the registration week (February 2-7, 2025).
  2. The second step is to log in to, where the available physical education classes, sports sessions, and sports opportunities required for fulfilling the mandatory physical education course are listed.
  • Access to the site requires an M365 university email address and password (, which all students possess.
  • Students must register for each class in advance via the application, as classes are announced as events. If a student forgets to register, they can still do so within the first 10 minutes of the class, but not afterward.
  • A minimum of 20 active participations in physical education sessions is required to obtain the signature. The mandatory 20 sessions can be freely chosen from any sport sessions listed in the system and must be completed by June 7 (end of the second signature replacement week) at the latest.
  • Students can track their completed sessions in the sports registration system.
  • The signature for Physical Education will be awarded based on the registered sessions in
  • A maximum of two Physical Education courses can be taken and completed in a semester!

A maximum of three physical education sessions per week can be completed in any form of exercise, as this is what the system registers and counts. Students may participate in more sessions if they wish, as the enjoyment of sports and health preservation are the most important aspects. In the UNI-GYM fitness center, a maximum of one session per day can be credited.


Sessions completed beyond the replacement period cannot be counted.


Courses offered by the Department in the Spring Semester (location and duration) and instructors:



Duration (min)


Aerobics Soft Ball

Viktória Izsvákné-Szabó


Sports Hall

Body Shaping Aerobics

Viktória Izsvákné-Szabó


Sports Hall, Gallery

Table Tennis

Szilvia Fellinger


Sports Hall, Gallery

Boxing Aerobics

Szilvia Fellinger


Sports Hall, Gallery


Erika Tóth-Zádeczki


Athletics Corridor


Szilvia Fellinger



Spinal yoga - pilates

Viktória Izsvákné-Szabó



Spinal excercises

Viktória Izsvákné-Szabó




Viktória Izsvákné-Szabó


Sports Hall


László Gulyás


Artificial Grass Arena


László Gulyás


Sports Hall

Step Aerobics

Viktória Izsvákné-Szabó


Sports Hall, Gallery


József Tigyi




Erika Tóth-Zádeczki


Sports Hall


Erika Tóth-Zádeczki


Dénes Kemény Sports Pool







Other Courses and Sports Opportunities:

  • Recreational Sports (University Sports Center):
    • Yoga, Pilates, Fanatic Jump, Cheerleading, Thai Boxing, Running Club, Zumba, Table Tennis, Functional Training, American Football, Pound
    • More details at
  • Hiking (University Hiking Club):
    • Weekend hikes led by tour guides.
    • Only one hike per week (the highest point value) can be credited, regardless of how many are completed.
  • UNI-GYM (University Gym):
    • Individual workouts without an instructor.
    • A maximum of one session per day can be credited.



Application Process
Students can request to fulfill the Physical Education course requirements without attending classes in justified cases:

  • ATHLETE: If the student is a verified athlete of MEAFC or another sports club.
  • ACADEMIC: If the Physical Education course was already completed during previous studies.
  • MEDICAL: If the student has a condition certified by a specialist.

During the registration week, the appropriate Physical Education course must be added via the NEPTUN system (e.g., Physical Education 1, Physical Education 2, etc.).


Required Documents for Exemptions:

  • Medical: Specialist medical certificate for the entire semester.
  • Academic: Transcript showing prior course completion.
  • Athletic: Valid membership card or competition license.

The exemption request and supporting documents must be submitted by Week 7 of the semester.


Documents can be submitted as follows:

Documents must be submitted within weeks 1–7 of the academic semester. After this deadline, or during the exam period, no exemption requests can be submitted.


Exemption Requests:

The instructor of the subject will review the submitted documents and may:

  • Approve the request, which will be confirmed with the course signature.
  • Reject the request, which will be communicated via email or by refusal of signature.



Completion of the Enrolled Course

Students must complete the enrolled Physical Education course within the semester (February 10 – May 24, 2025).

  • Attendance at the first week of classes is recommended.
  • The instructor validates course completion by granting a signature in the NEPTUN system by the last day of the semester (May 24).
  • Make-up for missed signatures can be approved by the Head of Department during the specified periods (May 25 – June 7)


"SIGNATURE" General and Detailed Conditions

  1. Regular and active participation in at least 20 practical classes (10–20 sessions, depending on the course), documented through attendance sheets.
  2. Minimum completion schedule: 1×2 hours/week; recommended schedule: 2–3×1–2 hours/week. A maximum of 3 Physical Education sessions can be recorded per week. If the number of completed sessions exceeds 3 per week, only 3 will be registered on the completion list.
  3. The selected course can be completed independently or by combining various types of physical activities in any proportion throughout the semester (consultation with the instructor is required, considering sports proficiency and specific equipment requirements).
  4. Detailed information about afternoon sports activities at the University Sports Center is available on the Sports Office website (
  5. Tracking attendance at the UNI-GYM fitness center and sports afternoon sessions is the student's responsibility at all times! Observations and issues can be reported until the last day of the academic term, May 24. After this date, retroactive or backdated session entries will not be possible!
  6. In justified cases (e.g., schedule or work conflicts), individual sports activities at other university facilities may be recognized upon departmental approval.
  7. Certifications from gyms, sports clubs, swimming pools, or other facilities outside the University campus will not be accepted.
  8. In case of short-term illnesses, injuries, or accidents, students must present medical certification to the instructor leading the session upon returning.
  9. In case of excused absences, missed sessions can be made up by consulting with the instructor.


Reasons for Refusing a Signature

  1. Failure to attend the selected Physical Education course or to contact the instructor during the first four weeks of the semester (February 10 – March 7).
  2. Failure to complete the required 20 practical classes (as documented by attendance sheets).
  3. Failure to meet additional obligations (e.g., submission of tickets/passes).
  4. Failure to resolve discrepancies or questions about documented classes by May 24, 2025.


General Conditions and Rules for Physical Education Class Participation

  1. Regular and active participation in a minimum of 20 practical classes (practical class ≠ course) is required.
  2. Minimum completion schedule: 1×2 hours/week; recommended: 2–3×1–2 hours/week.
  3. The Physical Education course can be completed independently or by combining multiple types of physical activities during the semester, as agreed upon with the instructor.
  4. Only students who have received fire and accident prevention training may participate in Physical Education classes, at their own responsibility and based on their fitness level.
  5. Wearing sports gear and using a change of shoes (or swimming cap and slippers) is mandatory at all locations and sessions.
  6. Students wishing to join classes without enrolling must obtain prior permission from the instructor and comply with the same regulations as enrolled students.
  7. In case of short-term illnesses, injuries, or accidents, students must present medical certification to the instructor leading the session upon returning.
  8. Missed classes can be made up by consulting with the instructor. The conditions, activities, and schedule for make-up sessions are detailed in the “Current Semester Announcement/Schedule” section.




Handling Questions and Issues

For inquiries related to sessions, make-ups, signatures, or other course-related matters, the following departmental instructors are

  • Csaba Kató, Department Head
    • Office: Stefánia Building I. 104
    • Email:
  • László Gulyás, Instructor
    • Office: Sports Hall, 1st Floor, Office 7
    • Email:
    • Consulting Hours: Monday 11:00-12:00, Wednesday 11:00-12:00
  • Szilvia Fellinger, Instructor
    • ​Office: Sports Hall, 1st Floor, Office 7
    • Email:
    • Consulting Hours: Tuesday 16:00-17:00, Wednesday 13:00-14:00
  • József Tigyi, Instructor
    • Office: Tennis Center, Teachers' Office
    • Email:
    • Consulting Hours: Monday 11:00-12:00, Friday 12:00-13:00
  • Erika Tóth-Zádeczki, Instructor
    • Office: Sports Hall, 1st Floor, Office 7
    • Email:
    • Consulting Hours: Monday 13:00-14:00, Wednesday 13:00-14:00
  • Viktória Izsvákné-Szabó, Instructor
    • Office: Sports Hall, 1st Floor, Office 7
    • Email:
    • Consulting Hours: Monday 16:00-17:00, Tuesday 10:00-11:00


Wishing you a successful, engaging, and active semester!

Miskolc, February 3, 2025