Annak érdekében, hogy Önnek a legjobb élményt nyújtsuk "sütiket" használunk honlapunkon. Az oldal használatával Ön beleegyezik a "sütik" használatába.

University Outdoor Multifunctional Track - Terms of Use

The use of the field requires payment.

For basketball use:

  • Day pass: HUF 500/person

Operating Hours:

  • Weekdays: 8:00–20:00
  • Weekends: By prior arrangement

Ticket Purchase & Field Access:

  • Weekdays: 15:00–22:00 at the Artificial Turf Football Arena or the Tennis Clubhouse Reception

Field Rental & Reservations:

  • Full field (6 hoops): HUF 5,000/hour
  • Half field (2 hoops): HUF 2,500/hour
  • Contact: +36203931795

Usage Guidelines:

  • The field is strictly for sports use, and its surface must be protected from rough impact.
  • Appropriate sports shoes and attire are required for using the field, which must be used according to its intended purpose.
  • The field is used at the user's own risk, and cleanliness and usage rules must be strictly observed. Any damage will result in financial compensation.
  • Climbing on the hoops, hanging from the rims, or entering the field area except through the gate is strictly prohibited.
  • Smoking, dropping matches or cigarettes, eating, and bringing glass bottles or animals onto the field are forbidden.
  • Cleanliness around the field must be maintained, and trash must be disposed of in the provided bins.
  • The operator is not responsible for any valuables or belongings left unattended in the field or its surroundings.
  • The operator has the right to monitor the proper use of the field and adherence to cleanliness rules.
  • The operator is not liable for injuries sustained while using the field. The instructions of the University of Miskolc Sports Center staff must be followed.