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Dear Visitor,

Our organizational unit is committed to promoting physical activity and sports, and with our unique resources, we strive to contribute increasingly to the promotion and facilitation of exercise and a healthy lifestyle. In doing so, we aim to ensure the beneficial effects and values of sports are fully realized.

We understand that a thriving sports culture is rooted in the availability of adequate facilities. Therefore, we continuously seek opportunities to further develop and modernize our sports infrastructure, as well as to renew and expand our sports equipment. Our fundamental goal is to meet the sports needs of our community as fully as possible, paying attention to popular, modern forms of exercise, and ensuring that the University Sports Center of Miskolc is suitable for hosting an increasing number and level of competitions and events.

Our primary task is to serve the physical education classes of the University of Miskolc at the highest possible standard, and to provide as many opportunities as possible for organized extracurricular physical activity and training within our association (MEAFC), which serves as a workshop for both institutional competitive sports and recreational sports. Detailed information on departmental activities and other sports opportunities can be found under the "Students/Sports Opportunities" menu.

We place special emphasis on student sports initiatives and traditional student sports events, which we support professionally and, at times, coordinate, in addition to making facilities available.

At a time when the majority of the population unfortunately leads a sedentary lifestyle and national indicators for student sports activities are very unfavorable, we are pleased to report that our facilities are operating at full capacity. Attendance at physical education classes and participation in departmental training sessions is remarkably high relative to our institution's enrollment numbers.

In addition to fully satisfying the sports needs of our students, the University Sports Center of Miskolc is also open to the citizens of Miskolc under certain conditions. We also consider it an important goal to host as many citywide, national, or even international events as possible, thereby enhancing the good reputation of our university and, through increased visibility, further promoting sports.

We sincerely hope that you will find the information you are looking for on our website, and that you will have the opportunity to personally experience the quality of our services. We welcome any comments or suggestions regarding our website and activities.


Péter Boda

Director of Operations, Sports and Dormitories