Dear Friend of Sports,
For every major university, a successful sports program is essential. To be a high-caliber institution of higher education, it must offer a quality sports culture. Therefore, it is crucial to strive for an exemplary institutional sports environment that not only appeals to our current and former university community but also attracts high school students considering further education.
According to the 2004 Act I on Sports, every person in Hungary has a fundamental right to participate in sports, and the state ensures this right, including sports at the college and university level. The 2011 Act CCIV on National Higher Education, Chapter 5, Section 11, states that higher education institutions must ensure health development, including organizing regular physical activity and sports, in line with their core activities. The Hajós Alfréd Plan identified the creation of a network of university sports offices, the development and expansion of student sports services, and the establishment of a dual career model, including a mentor and tutor system for talented elite athletes, as key goals to implement the provisions of the National Higher Education Act.
The University Sports Office of Miskolc was established within the framework of the TÁMOP-4.1.2.E-13-1-KONV project.
The Sports Office's role is to coordinate, enhance, and maximize the effectiveness of the activities of the organizations involved in the institution's sports life, as well as to involve external partners in cooperation. Additionally, it handles new organizational and service tasks that have not been previously managed by any other unit, or only partially.
One of the outcomes of the establishment of the Sports Office is the increase in the number of students reached. Another result is the expansion of sports services available to students.
Contact Information:
University of Miskolc Sports Center and Sports Office
Address: 3515 Miskolc – Egyetemváros
Mailing address: 3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Körcsarnok
Phone: +36 46/565-252 or +36 46/565-111 ext. 14-56
Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Organizational Unit Leader: Szilárd Bene (Extension: 14-44)
Sports Office Director: Réka Molnár (Extension: 14-56)
Administrative Officer: Piroska Bodáné Rozsnyai (Extension: 14-56)